2016 Clinton had 3M vote edge Electorally, Trump had a slight edge The very next day GSA said OK Now bogus claims, up they do dredge This year Joe had 6M more Same electoral margin, what’s more WT actual F It’s Trump run amok For democracy we must declare war “Where’s the evidence?” Fox asks Sidney Powell “It’s a secret” she claims, I cry foul WT actual F It’s Trump run amok Of his oath it’s a complete disavowal Now Trump interferes with election Asks Palmer and Hartmann for defection WT actual F It’s Trump run amok To try to win his reelection Georgia’s Raffesperger stands tall Would refuse to take DJT’s call While GOP defends him Credibility they lend him A least some GOP this does appall In 61 days, much sh*t can be done And DJT’s has just begun Withholding key data Opening the floodgate-a To hell before Joe has begun There’s just no way to misconstrue What’s he’s doing amounts to a coup WT actual F It’s Trump run amok His comeuppance is about to come due From this a lesson let’s hope we learn It’s perhaps time to overturn The electoral college Or at least acknowledge People’s will we should not overturn The battle for truth we can’t lose Fact with lies we can’t confuse Division and hate Can’t be our fate Be gone now, you 2020 blues! You know a rose by any other name Would still smell as sweet, and the same Is true of a coup You can call it Scooby-Doo It should bring Trump a lifetime of shame
Posted inPoetry