Back to School To protect our kids’ health, we closed schools Health over wealth was the rule Schools can open this fall Trump said deaths will fall If you still believe that you’re a fool  When schools closed their doors in the Spring Cases were few, but rising Now they’re exponential So, it is essential We have tools to help beat this thing  College kids have been home so long Their desire to go back is quite strong They’ve shown strong resistance To keeping their distance But let’s do it, what could go wrong?  And make sure the bars open up Though COVID’s climb has not let up We’ll figure it out It’s how things work out When leadership is bottom up  Trump threatens schools that stay closed With no plans for the risk that does pose What I want to know Is would his son go Or will DJT just thumb his nose?  The answer is not black or white A hybrid solution seems right Unless you’re De Vos But I’m at a loss To hear her and remain polite  She’s stood for local oversight Let them decide what is right now in a twist follow her she insists or lose funding from feds overnight   And their plan to allow schools to start Is for schools, their own course to chart And without bigger budget They will just have to fudge it Without space to keep kids apart  They say kids have not gotten sick So, they are immune, is their dumb shtick And schools are the best They know how to test About teachers they don’t give a lick  The science is justification For a hybrid and full preparation For in-person class Which Trump might grasp If he’d gotten an education Â
Posted inPoetry
Back to School 7-11-2020
Posted by
July 11, 2020
Last updated on July 11, 2020
Ms. Jenny is a recognized industry leader in developing innovative operational, technical, policy and institutional solutions to challenges facing the global aviation and transportation industry. She led a non-profit association, which, during her tenure, doubled in size and grew into the premier venue for delivering industry-wide, consensus advice to the government on vital issues in global air transportation. Her accomplishments have been recognized by numerous national awards. She holds an MS in Computer Science and an AB in Sociology. She is motivated by any opportunity to make a positive difference in the world. Her passion for addressing the needs of less fortunate has driven her pro bono work. She currently serves a mentor to numerous professional women.
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