So how can you tell when Trump’s lying? It’s easy to tell without trying Here is the tip He’s moving his lips Worse than bad, this is just horrifying He said there’d be transparency For CARES and for PPP Justice denied Because old Trump lied His buddies got more, we now see “Chloroquine is a great cure.” Of this DJT is quite sure With the truth he collides He can’t help but lie He’s an a**hole, of that I’m sure The CDC issued a guide Trump did not like what’s inside “too much detail” So he did derail The report, he decided to hide With so many dying out there Trump changed the data to square With his ugly lies About COVID’s rise Like his wife he just does not care Now Georgia is taking his cue The graphs of their data they skew 3/26 comes, they say after 7th of May And their curve now goes down in this view Linick was onto Pompeo a damning and true dossier oh “I don’t know this guy.” Was DJT’s lie But he knows that he’s just to go – oh More Afghan deaths than before... ...their “peace deal” was signed, and what’s more feeling no shame Trump made the false claim “None tried to win this before.” When we need global leaders the most To WHO US bids adios Needing someone to blame Trump makes more false claims I fear that our planet is toast Thinking that we are all fools He rolls back our emissions rules Takes Big Oil’s side He continues to lie To our planet his team is just cruel And Steve Miller’s now found a way To deport children back to harm’s way With callous heart From facts they depart I hope they get justice one day Due to his total distain For government during his reign We’ve unfilled positions To solve dire conditions A total and complete fed brain drain Ballot application were mailed To enable voting by mail Trump said it’s unlawful His lies get more awful This idiot belongs in jail 90K deaths now and counting Yet his need for more rallies is mounting “It’s the democrats’ fault. For they’ve put a halt, to my fun, by their COVID accounting.” Ford guidelines and state laws aside Maskless he ventured inside No mask will he Wear on TV But he’ll talk of drinking peroxide Continuing to lie and mislead He announced Operation Warp Speed Vaccine by year’s end Though scientists contend This plan simply cannot succeed They claim they can do this stuff fast Yet USCIS has amassed A massive backlog That they won’t unclog To make sure new votes won’t be cast A study by experts worldwide Show choloroquine has been tied To medical harm They did sound the alarm But Trump cares not who might have died He looks for experts to support His ludicrous claims he purports Ignoring good science In deep defiance We must make DJT’s tenure short It’s time that we vow to devote Our time to help get out the vote Shine light on his lies And organize Make Trump just a historical footnote
Posted inPoetry
COVID-19: The Lies Continue (5/24/20)
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May 24, 2020
Last updated on May 26, 2020
Ms. Jenny is a recognized industry leader in developing innovative operational, technical, policy and institutional solutions to challenges facing the global aviation and transportation industry. She led a non-profit association, which, during her tenure, doubled in size and grew into the premier venue for delivering industry-wide, consensus advice to the government on vital issues in global air transportation. Her accomplishments have been recognized by numerous national awards. She holds an MS in Computer Science and an AB in Sociology. She is motivated by any opportunity to make a positive difference in the world. Her passion for addressing the needs of less fortunate has driven her pro bono work. She currently serves a mentor to numerous professional women.
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