Gone Dark (10-26-20)

Dear ResistancePoet followers,

I imagine you might be wondering why I have gone dark. 
In limerick:
A COVID positive confirmation
I’m in quarantine isolation
This is personal now
Only wish I knew how
To ensure a blue wave sweeps the nation
My 95-year-old mother was hospitalized with COVID last week.  I tested positive last week.  My husband is now hospitalized.  I am quarantining and trying to manage their care from afar.  I hope to get back to a place where I can express my outrage through poetry and art but for now, my priority is getting all three of us healthy again.
Despite what the liar in chief says, “Be afraid, be very afraid” of COVID. 
Wear a mask and please keep your distance
Against Trump keep up your resistance
Let’s go on a romp
And drain the Trump swamp
Can we vote him out of existence?


  1. tom rixey

    Ahoy to you, Peggy Jenny
    Your thoughts are worth every penny
    May you stay ever strong
    Prove virus moot and dead wrong
    You’ve as good a chance- ney, more, than any

    • margtjenny

      I love your limerick, Tom. THANK YOU!

      • tom rixey

        You’re so welcome, thank you! (oops, I meant “nay”, didn’t I?) I’ve always had fun with limericks too. I’ve gotta knack, or something.
        I hear you’re feeling better? I wish you great strength in the days ahead.

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