If you can’t find something nice to say Say nothing at all, mom would say And so, yesterday I was silent all day But you know turnabout is fair play  When Clinton had pneumonia, he mocked her When an immigrant needed help, he blocked her Mocked disabled reporter Derided Joe’s stutter Discredited the nation’s top doctor  And now we learn that Donald knew When he went to his NJ big do On civics and norms He’s raged a sh*t-storm And broken every single taboo  For his behavior there should be no pardon At the event that his family starred in These self-centered fools Broke CDC rules Recklessness in the Rose Garden  He created a culture of mocking Eschewed science in ways that are shocking With POTUS now ill It’s amazing that still At mask wearing they are still balking  To them the rules just don’t apply But ND students now ask why If they don’t wear masks They are taken to task Yet to mask rules Jenkins didn’t comply  And what of the staff and the aids Secret Service, hair stylists and maids Trump just doesn’t care About their nightmare With their families the risk just cascades  As for Ronna, Kellyanne and Christie My eyes will not even get misty They ignored all the rules Treated the rest like fools Now this is an ironic twisty But wait, there’s more to this disaster Contract tracing, they still haven’t mastered They’re dropping like flies His friends and allies They should have been on this much faster  Trump ignored science and lied Mocked those who wore masks or complied As decency goes This is a new low And now too many people have died  Yes, on COVID, DJT had no fear He said it would just disappear He’s lived in defiance Of caring and science For his pain I will not shed a tear  Of empathy he is devoid Where his heart should be there is a void So, it should not confuse That Trump’s latest news Has been met with a dose of schadenfreude    Â
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