Limerick: No Justice, No Peace (6-3-20)

Commanded by AG Bill Barr
Most sinister move now by far
Used bullets and spray
Constitution betrayed
Leaving a deep painful scar
It was all for a cynical ruse
Peaceful protesters they did abuse
With his bible as prop
For a damn photo op
Give in to this we must refuse
He threatens to send in the guard
Take over police and bombard
…peaceful protesters
Dishonor ancestors
Who fought for their freedom so hard
And Trump now does seek to prevent
Military chiefs from dissent
But they swore to defend
The constitution
They know what those solemn words meant
We know that Trump cares not one whit
About justice, he’s a hypocrite
But some give a damn
And one took a stand…
Miller to Esper, “I Quit”
In Iowa they had their say
Voted King out on Tuesday
In Ferguson MO
First black Mayor, oh
“Black Lives Matter” helped carry the day
A tipping point has now been reached
Constitution has now been breached
Let’s all take a stand
Across this great land
For justice and for free speech
Biden - to a nation in pain
Promised to listen, not blame
Showed empathy
What a great sight to see
A man with a heart and a brain