Exaggerated sense of worth. Check. Cannot see your growing girth. Check. Requiring constant adoration. Check. Needs to hear standing ovation. Check Must be seen as superior. Check. Even if you are inferior. Check. Not capable of true bereavement. Check. Overstate your slight achievements. Check. Fantasize about success. Check. About your beauty do obsess. Check.  Fantasize about your power. Check. Need your name atop a tower. Check. Monopolize the conversation. Check. Respond to foes with litigation. Check. Belittle those who question you. Check. Always must be looked up to. Check. Expect loyalty from all. Check. Expect favors large and small. Check. Climbs ahead on others’ backs. Check. Sees dissent as an attack. Check. Use others to get your way. Check. Many friends you do betray. Check. Cannot feel another’s pain. Check. Are conceited and most vain. Check. Envy those who do do well. Check. Think they envy you as well. Check. Behave in haughty boastful manner. Check. Want your name upon a banner. Check. Insist you have only the best. Check. Does not care for the oppressed. Check. Angry when not cow towed to. Check. Others you cannot relate to. Check. Easily can feel most wronged. Check. Feels that no one is as strong. Check. Reacts with rage and will belittle. Check. Sense of self is really brittle. Check. Has think skin when criticized. Check. About your worth come only lies. Check. Empathy you cannot feel. Check. Sees no one else’s pain as real. Check. Difficulty handling stress. Check. Taking  more and giving less. Check. All this leads to complications. Check. Makes it hard to lead a nation. Check.
Trump checks all the symptoms listed. A mind that’s warped and very twisted. But there’s a cure, I’m glad to say. Vote, and he will go away!Â
Posted inPoetry