“W” “T” “F” ? (10-21-20)

Mitch has time to pack the court
But no time for stimulus support
“W” “T” “F”?
Is he just tone deaf?
Let’s cut his leadership short
They’re caught in the COVID quagmire
Yet in SD masks aren’t required
“W” “T” “F”?
Is the governor tone deaf?
Or is it time he be retired
Trump chose the judge in his case
Who might decide the election race
“W” “T” “F”?
He’s afraid of the left
Since he can’t just rely just on his base
At his rallies Trump dances away
To the gay anthem, YMCA
“W” “T” “F”?
Is he stupid and deaf?
Or just a buffoon on display?
300K excess deaths in US
Trump claims his team did its best
“W” “T” “F”?
Does he think we’re not deft…
At seeing how much up this is messed?