Wary Citizens (Posted 5/12/20)

It’s seems that we have lost our way
On COVID we’ve made scant headway
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
For our leaders to lie everyday
They claimed we’d have testing galore
But even now we need so much more
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
For us not to know what’s in store
The feds, they should know what to do
But they refused the test kits from WHO
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
To hear so much that is not true
He said Google’s building a site
It will be done in a fortnight
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
To say things you know aren’t right
Trump said this will soon disappear
Like a miracle so do not fear
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
To look at the experts and sneer
The models were telling the tale
With accurate scary detail
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
To brag when mostly you fail
Though his people were present at WHO
And knew early what they should do
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
To blame everybody but you

Much help to the states was delayed
But Trump, most could not persuade
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
To require sucking up to get aid
The CARES act was passed to assist
People in need to subsist
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
For no oversight to exist
The White House Press corps tolerates
Trump’s tirades and lies and his hate
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
For the President to fabricate
Chloroquine is our new defense
Said Trump, with no evidence
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
to ignore good common sense
Trump now says he knew all along
The COVID was 3 times as strong
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
To keep saying what you know is wrong
In weeks all the tests will be here
Trump said we have nothing to fear
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
For the pres to be so insincere
Trump claims that we are number one
In testing we can’t be outdone
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
To lie when he’s fooling no one

He claims he alone’s in control
Then abdicates his leadership role
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
For POTUS to be such an a**hole
The immigrants work the front lines
Yet most of them Trump just maligns
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
To send out such unchristian signs
States ignore federal guidelines
Trump praises them, says it’s fine
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
To send mixed signals and signs
From December through March he praised Xi
He now blames him incessantly
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
To defy our own reality
Protestors ignore safety rules
Trump says their good, they’re no fools
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
when alternate facts are the rule
When journalists question his lies
To destroy them oh how Trump tries
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
To work for the press’s demise
“Drain the swamp”, Trump claimed he would do
But a brainpower drain did ensue
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
for our government to be down to so few

Against Bezos he holds a grudge
so Post Office rates up he’ll nudge
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
For the voters to have so misjudged
Redfield was misquoted said he
But Redfield did disagree
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
For lying to this great degree
He fears the economy’s in ruin
From COVID we’re not yet immune
Americans are wary
It’s not customary
To loosen restrictions too soon