What are They Trying to Hide? (6-17-20)

The CDC wide-ranging guide
With Trump-talk it did collide
Of it Trump was wary
So, the report he did bury
So, what are they trying to hide?
Bolton’s book claims to provide
A look at Trump’s sinister side
They try, with damnation
To delay publication
So, what are they trying to hide?
The Cares Act they now override
Requests for info are denied
Required oversight
they do now fight
So, what are they trying to hide?
We don’t need testing, they cried
Stop, and cases will subside
Truth, they will dodge it
Defying all logic
So, what are they trying to hide?
Subpoenas have all been denied
Oversight just cast aside
With impunity
claim immunity
So, what are they trying to hide?
Asking states to set aside
Jobless reports nationwide
‘til they can preview
Keep them out of view
So, what are they trying to hide?
His tax returns would be a guide
His misdeeds would be verified
Fraud and evasion
On many an occasion
So, what are they trying to hide?
Econ forecasts they now decide
They are not gonna provide
And what is worse
This is a first
So, what are they trying to hide?
Mueller Report is a guide
Grand jury data inside
Bill Barr did thwart
Publishing his report
So, what are they trying to hide?


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