He needs a Zoom background of books
No longer cares how he looks
His hair is a mess
He’s stressed by the Press
Now spends time reading cookbooks
Her vocab is ruled now by Zoom
“You’re on mute”, when the meeting resumes
To earphones she’s tethered
Isolation she’s weathered
Her kitchen is now her workroom
Dresses well from the waist up
Decided to buy a young pup
The COVID 19
Made tight his jeans
Finds it quite hard to cheer up
Lost track of the day and time
Orders from Amazon Prime
Knows he should login
To the remote gym
But opts for a little downtime
Has carryout now most days
Misses the warmth of sun’s rays
Sees doctors online
Drinks much more wine
Suffers from COVID malaise
Has nearly run out of bread flour
Her coworkers all seem so dour
Her dog needs a walk
Kid’s teacher wants to talk
Looks forward to Zoom Happy Hour
Binges Netflix and Hulu
Spends hours on Google or Yahoo
Wears sneaker of slippers
Is not often chipper
Has a bad case of the 2020 blues
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