The Resistance Poet - Shining Light on Outrageous Acts and Lies
About margtjenny
Ms. Jenny is a recognized industry leader in developing innovative operational, technical, policy and institutional solutions to challenges facing the global aviation and transportation industry. She led a non-profit association, which, during her tenure, doubled in size and grew into the premier venue for delivering industry-wide, consensus advice to the government on vital issues in global air transportation. Her accomplishments have been recognized by numerous national awards. She holds an MS in Computer Science and an AB in Sociology. She is motivated by any opportunity to make a positive difference in the world. Her passion for addressing the needs of less fortunate has driven her pro bono work. She currently serves a mentor to numerous professional women.
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States Donald J Trump against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will…
Jan 6th was a loving crowd Claims lying Donald out loud Which Jim won’t refute So, he gets the boot Nancy will just not be cowed Yes, to Jim(s) Jordan…
With bats and spray they did attack In court now they take it all back “I was temporarily mad” “My childhood as bad” Would this work if defendants were Black?