The Resistance Poet - Shining Light on Outrageous Acts and Lies
About margtjenny
Ms. Jenny is a recognized industry leader in developing innovative operational, technical, policy and institutional solutions to challenges facing the global aviation and transportation industry. She led a non-profit association, which, during her tenure, doubled in size and grew into the premier venue for delivering industry-wide, consensus advice to the government on vital issues in global air transportation. Her accomplishments have been recognized by numerous national awards. She holds an MS in Computer Science and an AB in Sociology. She is motivated by any opportunity to make a positive difference in the world. Her passion for addressing the needs of less fortunate has driven her pro bono work. She currently serves a mentor to numerous professional women.
Some good news comes from the Midwest Americans, not SCOTUS, know best GOP’s court stacking Will now send them packing With Kansas they should not have messed
Fans with big guns were arriving Trump was aware but conniving The violence he greased As he jumped in the Beast For some seditious back-seat driving He knew that they…
Trump’s lawyer John Eastman did pen An illegal theory, and then When Pence resolve hardened He did seek a pardon “I didn’t do it and I’ll never do it again”
As AG, he surely does suck Garland makes me want to upchuck No charge of contempt? I am verklempt! re: Meadows, I say, ‘WTF?” Afraid that someone he might irk…