With the new and legitimate heir Our lands, our water and our air And our Tribal relations Across this great nation Will be stewarded by someone who cares
FOR THE PEOPLE ACT A BILL To expand Americans’ access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and implement…
Power out throughout his whole state His constituents in dire straits Cruz went to Cancun The when caught, the buffoon To his kids the blame did designate “Just trying…
Markets left to their own devices Often fail to prepare for a crisis Building no safety buffer Cause many to suffer And charge just unconscionable prices
Mean tweets came from Trump every day Yet the GOP looked the other way Now Tanden’s nomination’s blown Cause they don’t like her tone A double standard clearly at play
From cowardice they seek immunity Amplify Trump’s lies with impunity Though his guilt was proved To convict they weren’t moved GOP now deigns to demand unity?