What is He Hiding? 8-4-20

The investigation’s expanded Beyond the hush payments demanded Though Vance you lampoon You are not immune Your delay tactics are underhanded   Legitimate subpoenas you spurn Democracy you trash and…

Good News 8-3-20

Uplifting news, there is a dearth So, I scoured the paper to unearth For your satisfaction A good news distraction The astronauts came back to earth!

$600 (7-27-20)

More stimulus, millions now need Republicans sadly impede $600’s too much It serves as a crutch We can’t give that much, they agreed   Instead they will make it complex…

Tone Deaf (7-27-20)

Lost your job when they trimmed the fat? You should try on a new hat You’ll have to make do Or find something new Now why didn’t I think of…