Make Hay While the Sun Shines (3-25-21)

 The Democrats now have the ball
 The window to act is quite small
 And the country’s in pain
 With so much to gain
 From Joe Biden’s planned overhaul
 Of Congress, he has the controls
 His numbers are high in the polls
 Economy’s stronger
 Nothing could be wronger
 Then not to pursue big ass goals
 For all of Mitch McConnel’s bluster
 His performance is just so lackluster
 This cynic’s undone
 So, take the ball and run
 Don’t be stopped by the filibuster
 Joe Biden asks how big and how fast
 To his ideals he should holdfast
 With landmark legislation
 He’ll transform this nation
 His legacy will be unsurpassed
 Build Back Better plan is audacious
 Democrat’s bills are bodacious
 They will pass them with glee
 Without the GOP
 But in victory Joe will be gracious