Really? (6-10-20)

Mail votes lead to massive fraud
Protesters are a violent squad
20 lies per day
Keeps voters at bay
I’m so great all voters are awed
Buffalo man was a set up
He didn’t fall hard, he could get up
20 lies per day
Keeps voters at bay
And showing no signs he will let up
Protests aren’t about black lives
To unite our nation, he strives
20 lies per day
Keeps voters at bay
He’s loved every one of his wives
H1N1 – a disaster
No one’s solved this virus faster
20 lies per day
Keeps voters at bay
He had the support of the Pastor
This talk about race makes no sense
No systemic problem, says Pence
20 lies per day
Keeps voters at bay
He has the support of Defense
Tucker claims protests are riots
When they’re mostly peaceful and quiet
20 lies per day
Keeps voters at bay
Chloroquine, says Trump, “you should try it”
No tear gas was used, Barr did claim
Their eyes were not sore or inflamed
20 lies per day
Keeps the voters at bay
I wonder, has he no shame?
22 M masks per day
From Project Airbridge, Pence did say
20 lies per day
Keeps voters at bay
It’s 2 million, oh by the way
From DT’s inauguration
And every day since, no cessation
Alternative facts
We must fight back
And vote for his swift relocation