GOP is for local rights, it seems Except when they’re not, and are keen To allow big ships’ guests To overwhelm in Key West Against voters DeSantis does scheme
To tackle big problems, we must spend Politics, we must transcend Infrastructure is aging Inequality is raging Big government’s the means not the end
The Democrats now have the ball The window to act is quite small And the country’s in pain With so much to gain From Joe Biden’s planned overhaul  Of…
With the new and legitimate heir Our lands, our water and our air And our Tribal relations Across this great nation Will be stewarded by someone who cares
March 10th marked the beginning of the end From death and despair, we ascend The ARP Aims to end poverty In the White House we now have a friend  Poor…
FOR THE PEOPLE ACT A BILL To expand Americans’ access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and implement…
Power out throughout his whole state His constituents in dire straits Cruz went to Cancun The when caught, the buffoon To his kids the blame did designate  “Just trying…