The Dog Whistler (7-29-20)

Did not pay respects to John Lewis
Instead away he did shoo us…
who honored this titan
Who never was frightened
Voting Trump out is up to us
Calls BLM a symbol of hate
Sends his troops to the blue states
Rescinds housing rules
Making sure tools
To fight racism are inadequate
Retweets man shouting “White Power”
White supremacists he does empower
Says Nazis are fine
When they cross the line
The next 100 days will be dour
Fights against renaming bases
Claims history, it erases
Protects monuments
Ignores blacks’ laments
and for all his claims there’s no basis
Asked why blacks are killed by cops
Said, “So are white people.” Full Stop.
Has no empathy
Only bigotry
His lying continues nonstop
He does this though many do bristle
Mainly because he knows this’ll
Shore up his base
Help him win the race
So, he’ll keep blowing his dog whistle