There once was a lawyer named Yoo
Who told President Bush what to do
Like torture’s OK
Trump can break the law today
They won’t catch up anytime soon
In WH he’ll get the nomination
Which is in complete violation
Of the Hatch Act
So he’ll likely retract
After distracting the nation
With 16K new weekly cases
He praises Arizona of all places
Positivity rate’s high
Trump once again lies
Making more claims which have no basis
For the election this is his new ploy
To the Post Office he did deploy
One whose vocation
Is its annihilation
The horror that is Lou DeJoy
His presence there should make us all nervous
Public servants he does a disservice
A “business” it’s not
In case he forgot …..
The “S” in “USPS” stands for “Service”
COVID makes things take much longer
But with planning and funds we’ll be stronger
More time for the census
Is the clear consensus
Trump’s shortening could not be “wronger”
No plans in place to open schools
So, threatening their funds is just cruel
But that’s Trump’s approach
He should be reproached
Has he ever heard of the golden rule?
Most peoples’ fair expectation
Of honest negotiations
Is some give and take
Not putting down rigid stakes
And adhering to Donald’s dictation
And now Trump claims Biden’ll hurt God
This from the misogynist fraud
Could he stoop lower?
This foul non-church goer?
Whose religion is just a facade
On a more humorous note, it is true
That Dershowitz now wants to sue
A fictional DaFoe
From a TV show
Who’s next, Yo-Semite Sam, Scooby Doo?
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