The Next Debate? (9-29-20)

For our country’s ills he has no plan
Poll’s show he has fewer fans
Prosecutor’s closing in
He’s not going to win
On the stage was a desperate man
At the Presidential debate forum
He exhibited little decorum
He breaks all the rules
Takes us all for fools
How now could anyone vote for him?
Debate rules mean nothing to him
Chances he’ll behave are slim
Why do this again?
Get in his bullypen?
You know the outcome will be grim
Because he’s an immoral liar
You must hook him with a wire
When he lies it would zap
like a Melania slap
You just gotta fight fire with fire
If to zaps, Donald is immune
When he lies, drop a water balloon
If he’s still childlike
Then mute his mic
Drown out this foolish buffoon
The moderator has to be frank
At the debate Trump cannot pull rank
He must follow the rules
Or they’ll use their last tool
And drop him right in the dunk tank