Jan 6th was a loving crowd
Claims lying Donald out loud
Which Jim won’t refute
So, he gets the boot
Nancy will just not be cowed

Yes, to Jim(s) Jordan and Banks 
Nancy Pelosi says “No Thanks”
They backed the big lie
To their oath, said good-bye
We want no more of their pranks

Jordan was a scornful selection
He tried to overturn the election
Let that sink in…
He KNEW Trump didn’t win
Still, he craves Donald’s affection

For the GOP it’s a new art from 
But we cannot let lies be the norm
A strong constitution
Is our best solution
To Trump’s disinformation sh*t storm

We stand for nothing if not truth
The Trump GOP is uncouth
When they lie, we must shout
Each time, call them out
Or I fear for our democracy, forsooth


  1. Ed Hazelwood

    That my dear is a very good one!

    • margtjenny


  2. Kerry Levin

    Apparently TRUTH doesn’t matter to Republicans and their crazy Trumpian followers! Scary where we are heading.

    • margtjenny

      very scary indeed

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